TRB19MT4 – Poly Model Test 4

Welcome to your TRB19MT4 - Poly Model Test 4

As mentioned in  The Book of the Duchess, Argus is _______.                           

As mentioned in  “Epithalamion”, Hercules was born to Jove and _____.                        

How many quatrains are there in Shakespeare’s sonnets?          

At the end of “Of Nobility”, Bacon request the kings to use nobility for _____.      


At the end of the play Volpone, who asks the audience for applause?                                                         

In Dr.Faustus, who asks Faustus to repent for the sinful life?              

According to Utopia, most of the Utopians are ____.            

Among the following who holds the office of Cardinal?                   

 In Piers Plowman , who persuades the Seven Deadly Sins to repent and seek the Truth?              

In Comedy of Errors, Adriana suspects her husband, Antipholus of Ephesus, of _______

According to the play Henry VIII, which of Henry's ministers headed up the conservative, catholic faction in the Privy Council later in the reign?

Who causes much confusion in the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream?                     

Why does Claudius decides to send Hamlet abroad_______.

what is the profession of Holofernes in Love’s Labour Lost?                                  

In the poem “Daffodils”,  why was it such an important moment for the poet?

Select the two birds that appear in the poem “The Solitary Reaper”.                                 

In “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”, what did the sailors do with the Albatross's corpse?

According to the speaker of the poem “Dungeon, __________is more criminal than the prisoner it confines.        


Who cultivated unlawful thoughts in “The Foster-Mother's Tale”?                       

According to Coleridge’s “Nightingale”, who are more poetical?                           

  1. The following lines are taken from “Ode to the West Wind”:

“Of some fierce Maenad, even from the dim verge

Of the horizon to the zenith's height”

What/who is referred as Maenad” in the given line?                   

“thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind”. In the given line Keats compares Autumn to a ____.

According to “Prometheus”, what/who cannot kill Prometheus?

According to “Dream Children: A Reverie”, from all the grandchildren, Grandmother Field loved _______ the most.        

In Emma, Jane Fairfax, a niece of _______ .

According to The Talisman, Zohauk is a _______ king.               

According Hazlitt’s Characters of Shakespeare’s plays, the most admirable of Shakespeare’s comedies is ______.

In Wuthering Heights who locks Edgar and Heathcliff in the kitchen and throws the key in the fire place?

In Tennyson’s The Princess, what happens to the envoy sent by the men?        

In Browning’s “Andrea Del Sarto”, which of the following city is referred?                 

In Mathew Arnold’s “Rugby Chapel”, ______ season is described.

  1. Identify the figure of speech found in the last two line:

Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,

Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;                      

. In “The Blessed Damozel",  what do souls ascending to Heaven look like to the damozel?

In “The Blessed Damozel",  which of the following bible verses mentions seven stars?

In Romola, which priest is punished at the end of the novel?

In Vanity Fair,  Aunt Metilda leaves _________ pounds to the Bute Crawleys.                                               

In Vanity Fair, William and George Osborne become friends

In Treasure Island, among the following who is a magistrate? 

In A Tale of Two Cities, Mr. Lorry is a____ .

According to Ruskin’s Sesame and Lilies, the island of Aegina has a temple to _____.

In Romola, who delights in gems?

According to Ruskin’s Sesame and Lilies, the paintings of Titans were damaged by the invasion of __                          

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