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Pick the odd one out from the given information which is related to the year 1937:
If Rushdies Midnight’s Children is taken for a P.HD research, that is an example of ___
K. Ogden and LA. Richards were repute, in the 1930s for introducing-
“ Art for Art’s Sake” became a rallying cry for-
In 1986 _________ endorsed that the three language formula had ‘stood the test of time’.
The Irish Dramatic Movement was heralded by such figures as-
Which poem by Chaucer was written on the death of Blanche, Wife of John of Gaunt?
According to ____________ , “English was the gift of goddess Saraswati to India and that in our anger and hatred we should not throw away the baby”.
Direct Method is also known as
List – I A) Good sense is the body of poetic genius.B) Poetry is the breath and finer spirit of all knowledgeC) Literary criticism is a description and evalution of its object.D) Nature never set forth the earth in as rich a tapestry as diverse poets have done.List – II1) Brooks, "The Formalist Critic"2) Sidney, Defence /An Apology for Poetry3) Wordsworth, Preface to Lyrical Ballads4) Coleridge, Biographia LiterariaCodes are:
“The Death of the Author” is a work by_____ .
If a researcher analyzes R.K. Narayan’s all works that is an example of ______.
Which is often described as the Magna Carta of English education in India.
"He found it [English] brick and left it marble", remarked one great writer on another. Who were they?
Which of the following statements about Christopher Marlowe are true ?i) Edward II was written in the last year Marlowe's life.ii) Many critics consider Doctor Faustus to be Marlowe's best play.iii) His Spanish Tragedy comes a close secondiv) Marlowe was less educated than Shakespeare
Which of the following statements about The Canterbury Tales is true?
List-I(A) "So much depends/upon"(B) "Because I could not stop for death ... "(C) “O Captain! My Captain !"(D) "Two roads diverged in a wood ... "List – II(1) Robert Frost (2) William Carlos Williams (3) Emily Dickinson (4) Walt WhitmanThe correctly matched series would be- codes:
Jonathan Dollimore and Alan Sinfield are associated with______.
Scrutiny is a journal by ______.
Arrange the following in the chronological order- i) Mary Wollstonecraft's Vindication of the Rights of Women ii) Lyrical Ballads iii) French Revolutioniv) Percy's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry
In which of the following travel books does Mark Twain give an account of his visit to India?
If a research is conducted collecting samples from a particular college, that sampling is known as ___.
If a researcher collects samples from the students of Chennai and identify the learning difficulties regarding English and proposes solution that research is known as _____.
In _____________ Parliament accorded the status of associate official language of India.
Communicative Language Teaching replaced basically …
Which of the following is not true of Said's Orientalism ?
Horace said: “Mediocrity is forbidden to poets alike by gods and men and booksellers”. It suggests
“You have seen how a man was made a slave; you shall see how a slave was made a man” is an example of—
Longinus believed sublimity is the echo of _____.
Teaching and learning is a journey from
The last of Gulliver's Travels is to-
FCA is in opposition to
Among the following who is not part of Sadler commission which was formed to study the the problems of Calcutta University?
Who, among the following English play-wrights, scripted the film Shakespeare in Love?
Madam Merle is a character in-
The Tragedy of Ferrex and Porrex is the other title of
Confessions of an English Opium Eater is a literary work by-
Which among the following novels has more than one ending?
In which of the following works does Mrs.Malaprop appear ?
Environment and Social Theory is a work by ______.
Material feminism studies inequality in terms of-
Stephen Greeblatt’s Renaissance Self- Fashioning was published in _____.
What is a neologism?
Who wrote Mathew Arnold (1939) and E.M.Forster(1943) with acumen?
Which of the following employs a narrative structure in which the main action is relayed at second hand through an enclosing frame story?
Who of the following poets is Australian?
The method of teaching English adopted at present in school curriculum is
The following passages are the very first lines of well-known works. Match the lines and works-
The predominant tone and thrust of Jonatha Swift's "A Modest Proposal" are-
Who, among the following, was a Catholic novelist, an Intelligence Officer, a film critic and set his fictions in far-away places wrecked by political conflicts?