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The Complete TRB Polytechnic English Lecturer Exam Success Course



Over 180+ topics of cutting-edge instructional videos, accessible on demand, that cover every major content area and question type tested on the TRB Polytechnic English Lecturer exam.

Over 2000+ practice questions covering the entire syllabus as prescribed by TRB and the tests are provided in multiple levels one each at end of lesson, End of Unit, End of the course.

Supplemental concept lessons providing nuanced content and strategies for cracking the TRB Polytechnic English lecturer exam.

Email Support and doubt clarification.

Course fee is inclusive of 18% GST amount.




What you’ll learn

You’ll Gain essential subject knowledge required for the TRB Polytechnic English lecturer Exam as specified in the exam syllabus.

Gain confidence to successfully take the TRB Polytechnic English lecturer Exam.

In this course we will go through everything you need to know about the exam in order to make you fully prepared to solve all of its tasks easily.


Here’s what’s included with the course and what makes it unique :

The 180+ video lessons are in depth and explanatory on each given topic in the exam syllabus. You can watch / listen to the videos and take hand written notes (which we recommend). In case you want to refer any other study materials you can refer text books, if you have any, otherwise you can get the information from internet.

We also offer more than 1000+ questions as part of the multi level tests in the course. Tests are provided at the end of every lesson, every Unit and Full syllabus tests at the end of the course.

BONUS VIDEOS #1: In Depth explanation on Tips and Strategies to prepare for the TRB Polytechnic English lecturer exam.

BONUS VIDEOS #2: General Knowledge questions covering important and relevant topics.


Note :

No specific study material or third party guides / notes are mandatory for the course. The video lessons are very in depth and explanatory and In case you need to refer to any study material, most of the information are freely available in the internet.But No restrictions on referring to any books / study materials / other contents that you already have at hand.

Contents : The course provides you with online coaching to compete the TRB Polytechnic English Lecturer Exam successfully. It contains (a) video lectures and (b) Online Tests

Time : This being a self-paced course, it gives you the option to plan your time yourself. However, we suggest that you put in intense study of as much time as you can to watch the videos, take notes, Recollect learnt lessons at intervals, Take practice tests regularly. Based on the experience of students, we are convinced that this strategy will help you master the concepts and practice sufficiently to Attempt all question, Answer accurately, Time management for each question.

Course Structure : The course is divided into 10 units containing video lectures covering all the relevant topics. For reinforcement of what you learn and for proper practice, we suggest you prepare hand written notes, refer, recollect at regular intervals, take practice test without skipping any question or tests.

Availability : The course will be available online in our website www.eliteenglish.academy till the date of examination.


****** Kind Attn ******

  1. The course fee is inclusive of 18% mandatory GST amount
  2. To access the course after payment, got o Courses menu and COURSE PAGE will be listed in the drop down list. 


YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8N6ZUSxD96ufp9LAN7WX5w

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Elite-English-Academy-Madurai-501976626607647

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+91 6381458485
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